training started at 9 and was rather dull cos it was mainly pitching training for me. anyway the whole b div had lunch at market and walked back to hwachong! oh ya then we found a E61 at the food centre then we somehow managed to contact the owner! :D haha hwa chong integrity spiritt.
since it was a v v large group, so talk too much then in the end not enough time to walk back to hwa chong. so halfway after getting a drink we took a bus for like 2-3 bus-stops? hahaha. training in the afternoon was game! sec1s vs b div again! haha we thrashed them like 31-6 or smth and we din score by any homeruns! it's meant to be gooood. really lah. but the sec1s had like 3 JC1 people so cant say we bullied them.
done preparation for my exhortation message for this sun haha. tho it's just 5 min but it needs meditation too! :) and preaching the word in yc is so gona be fun man.
and dvbs next week is like. gahhhhhh :O well hopefully my group wouldnt be sooooo naughty as it looks on the register.