@ 11:00 PM
hefelofo! (hello)
today had this mock mock history test -.- ms teo gave us like 20 min to do one essay then when I just finished writing first para then she say "two minutes more!"
so die lorh.
anyway went for training today and thankfully mr toh wasnt so pissed that i couldnt make it for one of the matches. luckily it wasnt maris stella or ACS(I) if not i'll miss all the fun man!
batting was quite shiok. everyone hit super far and so, I conclude that training today was fun. (I don like history essays....)
gona play like crazy!
and then mug over the weekends cos some guy go and suggest to the school to clump all the tests on the week after CNY.
another yp session to be missed D:D:D:
this week's target:
dont be a money faceimuzi.