@ 9:41 PM
combined sports meet 2008 :[
haha not at all exciting, really.
firstly we dont we get to participate cos it's meant for the track people to win their medals.
secondly, councilors have to get the really unwilling crowd to cheer and it can be real embarassing to like cheer so heartedly in a bunch of yawning people.
number three, there's nanyang. man to have sport's meet with them very sian lah. always get those extra people trying to sell ice cream to us and dont know why they so enthusiastic about cheering either.
met ling han at least haha. hasnt changed since p6.
after sports meet was council general meeting and then PTG meeting. then went to find the usual bunch of guys for lunch and later went ngee ann to play basketball. quite a sian day lah today. came home slept and woke up at 9pm. -.-
tomorrow's the real fun! jun han's feeling sick now so pray that he'll get better for tmw.